discussion on package-version numbers... (PR 56961)

Kris Kennaway kris at obsecurity.org
Thu May 6 16:13:14 PDT 2004

On Thu, May 06, 2004 at 05:08:55PM -0500, Jacques A. Vidrine wrote:

> > Some ports use "p1" for "patchlevel 1", some use it for "prerelease
> > version 1".  Since we can't have it both ways, committers need to
> > remember to use pkg_version -t and some careful foresight to avoid
> > running version numbers backwards.  However ultimately there will be
> > continue to be mistakes made, even if version monotonicity is somehow
> > enforced at commit-time.
> That's true, mistakes will happen.  But simpler conventions could make
> the mistakes more obvious.
> Strawman version grammar
>   <version>  ::= <major> (<letter> (<minor>)? )?  '_' <revision> ',' <epoch>
>   <major>    ::= <dotted>
>   <minor>    ::= <dotted>
>   <dotted>   ::= <integer> ('.' <dotted>)?
>   <revision> ::= <integer>
>   <epoch>    ::= <integer>
>   <letter>   ::= 'a'..'z'
>   <integer>  ::= 32-bit integer
> The components are compared in this order:
>   { epoch, major, letter, minor, revision }
> with this exception:
>   - Certain combinations represent `prereleases'.  These are
>     versions with a <letter> component, but no <minor> component.
>     All prerelease versions are less than all non-prerelease versions
>     with the same <epoch> and <major> components.
> The troublesome ports we discussed are now tame.
>    3.8.1p2 > 3.8p2 > 3.8 > 3.8b > 3.8a
>    1.0.1x2003.09.16 > 1.0x2003.09.16
> Perhaps we want '+' to be a `letter' :-)
> Obviously, things like 1.0rc1, 1.0rc2,... (where RC is release
> candidate) would need to become 1.0a, 1.0b...  But one exception sure
> seems like a win.  Now, what have I left out ? :-)

openssl 0.9.7d > 0.9.7

> You might even be able to kill the exception if you allow
> <uppercase-letter> and <lowercase-letter> to have different meanings...

The more special cases, the more mistakes people will make and the
more PORTEPOCH bumps that will need to be made to correct for it.

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