CTM index on servers

Isaac (.ike) Levy ike at blackskyresearch.net
Mon Jan 28 19:30:53 UTC 2013

Hi Stephen, ctm-users,

New to this list, coming from a lively thread on freebsd-stable@

For me and a lot of admins/users, fetching sources just got a lot harder for a *lot* of admins/users.  A page was raised to try to help cull facts out of all the confusing details, here:


At this point the page may be more confusing itself :)

Enter: CTM

I'm delighted to learn about ctm(1) usage, and quite interested in using it to fetch REL and RELENG sources, and keep it up to date (to redistribute internally across a cluster of servers).

I know a *ton* of *BSD admins who love c[v]sup, but I don't know any who use ctm(1) any more, so I'm sorry if my questions are naive.

On Jan 28, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
>> On the FTP server, is there an index of which CTM delta files are on the FTP server?  I'd like to automate fetching just the new deltas...
>> If there was perhaps 1 file with a consistent name, I could fetch that on a nightly basis and fetch the other CTM files.
> I can easily put in something like this.  Maybe the output of ls in each directory?
> If you have more ideas on this, sign up to the ctm-users mailing list, and we can discuss exactly what is wanted.

I'm very interested in seeing some kind of 'index' file put in place, a simple file which lists the ctm delta (and xEmpty) files.

This way, users could do something in a shell/cron job, like:

fetch ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/development/CTM/src-9/index
# diff against the last ctm file, or a directory listing containing the delta files
# download/apply any ctm delta files which have not yet been applied

It's an open question weather or not the entire CTM dir should have the index, or the individual releases (or both?)

  - vs -

(I assume it would be appropriate also to provide sig files for the index, as well.)

The index could be as simple as:

$ echo "`date +%s`" ; find . -type f -name 'src*' | sort | sed 's/.*\///'

Could get fancier as necessary later, (perhaps date modified for each file, etc…)

With some sort of index, the ease-of-use functionality of c[v]sup could be trivially replicated in sh(1).
Even just as a prototype, this is a task I will enthusiastically do, even if only for my own use- (I started something already which culls FTP tarballs, a less than ideal solution).

What do yall' think?


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