Did src-9.0557 fail to assemble

Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at missouri.edu
Wed Jan 16 14:46:10 UTC 2013

On 01/16/2013 08:11 AM, Andrew Johnson wrote:
>  Got the last pieces of src-9.0557.gz+001-037
>   But  ctm_rmail  failed to assemble the delta and delete the pieces,
>  it has delivered the following two deltas to my CTM directory but not src-9.0557.gz

The only time I have seen this happen is when one or more of the pieces
is missing.  Can you send me a complete "ls" of the directory containing
the pieces?  Pieces do seem to somehow get lost in the mail once in a while!

In the meantime, you can download src-9.0557 from the ftp or web sites
(see yesterday's message where I announce a more up-to-date web site I
just created: http://web.missouri.edu/~stephen/CTM/ ).

However if all the pieces are present, and it still isn't assembling
them properly, I would like to know about it and try to figure out what
went wrong.

Thanks, Stephen

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