
Chris Rees crees at
Tue Dec 27 17:10:02 UTC 2011

On 27 December 2011 16:58, Stephen Montgomery-Smith
<stephen at> wrote:
> On 12/27/2011 10:41 AM, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Chris Rees wrote:
>>> Stephen is pointing out that src-9.0001 is not an incremental delta;
>>> there's no src-9.0000.
>>> Yes, when it gets to src-9.0100 there'll be an Empty file here,
>> Ah good, Thanks.
>>> but
>>> since there's no difference between 0001 and 0001Empty, there's no
>>> point in having both files there.
>> OK.
>> I'd suggest it's better to rename them with string Empty for consistency ?
> When I modify or take over someone elses code, I try to follow their style,
> even if this leads to slight inconsistencies.  The original writer of the
> script mkCTM must have intended for the first delta to be called xxx.0001.
>  There is a flag in the script called "CTMfirst." Setting this to "1" causes
> the script to generate xxx.0001 by comparing it to an empty directory.
> This makes it very easy for me to start a new ctm series of deltas.  I set
> this flag to "1," run the mkCTM script, then set this flag back to "0," and
> then sit back and hope the whole thing works.
> It probably wouldn't be terribly hard for me to make slight modifications to
> mkCTM to rename it to .0001xEmpty.  But I prefer to stick to the original
> design as much as possible.
> Another subject - I have asked for the creation of the mailing lists. But
> portmaster at bounced.

I'm not surprised. It's postmaster@ ;)


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