aaccli status messages

Kimmo R. M. Hovi kimmo.hovi at kronodoc.com
Fri May 5 06:39:26 UTC 2006

We run simple monitoring (among others) on our RAID controllers by diff'ing
the current status information against a known-to-work output from aaccli.

A while back, we discovered an oddity in this monitoring. Everything seems to
be running smoothly (We don't get any error messages), but we're curious as
to what has happened.

We're running Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 4 (Nahant Update 3) on that
particular server (Dual Xeon with 6 gigs of memory).

What's bugging us is the "container list" output. Shown below is the current
output of aaccli. However, in out known-to-work output taken, the Num == 0 line
lists "Open" under the Usage column, as opposed to currently shown "Valid".

We'd really appreciate if someone could tell us if this is something that we
should pay attention to, or if it's merely a change in terminology somewhere
deep in the driver/aaccli?

dmesg tells the following about the controller:
-- 8< --
Adaptec aacraid driver (1.1-5[2412])
aacraid0: kernel 4.2-0[7349]
aacraid0: monitor 4.2-0[7349]
aacraid0: bios 4.2-0[7349]
aacraid0: serial bc7661
aacraid0: Non-DASD support enabled.
aacraid0: 64 Bit DAC enabled
scsi2 : aacraid
-- 8< --

aaccli shows the following:
-- 8< --
AAC0> container list /full
Executing: container list /full=TRUE
Num          Total  Oth Stripe          Scsi   Partition                                      Creation
Label Type   Size   Ctr Size   Usage   C:ID:L Offset:Size   State   RO Lk Task    Done%  Ent Date   Time
----- ------ ------ --- ------ ------- ------ ------------- ------- -- -- ------- ------ --- ------ --------
  0    Stripe 68.3GB       64KB Valid
  /dev/sdb             raid10
   63  Mirror 34.1GB                    0:00:0 64.0KB:34.1GB Normal                        0  111804 05:14:28
                                        0:01:0 64.0KB:34.1GB Normal                        1  111804 05:14:28
   62  Mirror 34.1GB                    0:02:0 64.0KB:34.1GB Normal                        0  111804 05:14:28
                                        0:03:0 64.0KB:34.1GB Normal                        1  111804 05:14:28
AAC0> disk list /full
Executing: disk list /full=TRUE

C:ID:L  Device Type     Removable media  Vendor-ID Product-ID        Rev   Blocks    Bytes/Block Usage            Shared Rate
------  --------------  ---------------  --------- ----------------  ----- --------- ----------- ---------------- ------ ----
0:00:0   Disk            N                IBM       IC35L036UCD210-0  S5CQ  71687340  512         Initialized      NO  160
0:01:0   Disk            N                IBM       IC35L036UCD210-0  S5BS  71687340  512         Initialized      NO  160
0:02:0   Disk            N                IBM       IC35L036UCDY10-0  S27Q  71687340  512         Initialized      NO  320
0:03:0   Disk            N                IBM       IC35L036UCD210-0  S5BS  71687340  512         Initialized      NO  160
0:04:0   Disk            N                IBM       IC35L036UCD210-0  S5CQ  71687340  512         Initialized      NO  160
0:05:0   Disk            N                IBM       IC35L036UCD210-0  S5CQ  71687340  512         Initialized      NO  160
-- 8< --

Kimmo R. M. Hovi            | Mäkelänkatu 91 | GSM +358 40 767 8610
Product Development Manager | 00610 Helsinki | Fax +358 9 229 17800
Kronodoc Oy                 | Finland        | kimmo.hovi at kronodoc.com

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