Linux: Was reading past end of file fixed?

Greg Wickham gjw at
Tue Sep 22 16:40:40 PDT 1998

On 21-Sep-1998, at around 21:24, Doug Ledford wrote:

] I'm Cc:ing this to aic7xxx list because this test is fairly valuable at
] finding out these kinds of problems.  To test for hardware bit flips related
] to heavy DMA load, I usually recommend running this script (you'll need at
] least roughly 50MB of free drive space on your /usr/src partition):
] 1.  Get a linux-x.y.z.tar.gz tarball.
] 2.  Put that tarball into /usr/src
] 3.  Backup any existing /usr/src/linux directory to /usr/src/
] 4.  Extract that linux-x.y.z.tar.gx file.
] 5.  Move the new /usr/src/linux directory to /usr/src/linux.orig
] 6.  Run the following shell script:
] #!/bin/sh
] cd /usr/src
] for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
] do
]   tar -xzf linux-x.y.z.tar.gx
]   diff -U 3 -rN linux.orig linux
]   rm -fr linux
] done
] If that little shell script produces any visible output, then you have
] hardware problems.

Good news and bad news.

I ran the above and it worked perfectly (that is no output
was generated). I upped the loop to 20 times. I ran it once
in parallel. (And did the hard disk sound like a gieger
counter at Chernobyl on a hot day :) ). Again, no output.

However it *faulted* as soon as I started to read data from the
CD rom. When I mean read, I extracted a 600M+ image.

Funnying thing (as if this wasn't unfunny enough) was that the
extracted image was fine. And there were no errors in the system
log. Just the diff's failed.

I can repeat this ad-infinitum. :(

Is it my hardware? It is extremely repeatable, but doesn't
happen as long as I don't use the SCSI cdrom.


Network Operations Center Manager                 Dr. Greg Wickham
Information Technology Services     ______________________________
Deakin University                   Voice: (+61 3) 5227 8844
Geelong VIC 3217                    eMail: G.Wickham at
Australia                    WWW:

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