FreeBSD Install problems with SCSI Jaz...

Tanvir Hassan tanvir at
Tue Jan 6 15:58:42 PST 1998

I installed freebsd onto a Jaz disk and things seemed to work with the
aha2940 drivers.  There was an initial complaint about an inability to
get geometry info from the jaz disk but it seemed to guess the right
values and the install went all the way through with tons of disk access
without errors.

But, now I have a stupid question.  I didn't want the freebsd to
overwrite my MBR, so how do I boot this disk?  I tried to use my initial
boot disk to point it to the scsi disk but it never seems to find it! 
Is that geometry problem coming back to haunt me?

My Linux has this neat utility where I copy a kernel image to a dos
partition and I can run a Win95 program to boot using that image.  Is
there an equivalent utility for FreeBSD?  It is VERY frustrating to
spend all that time installing stuff and have a full disk but NO WAY to
boot it! :-)

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