Ultra2 Adapter transfer speed

Doug Ledford dledford at redhat.com
Wed Dec 16 05:07:29 PST 1998

Uwe Schmeling wrote:
> Hi!
> Having trouble to get my IBM DGHS18V U2W disk run at 80.0 MByte/sec.
> Transfer speed is always reported as 20.0 MByte/sec. Configuration is:
> Linux-Kernel 2.1.131 Adaptec AIC7xxx driver version: 5.1.4/3.2.4.
> Any hints?

The 2.1.131-ac9 kernel and above have an updated driver that solves the
problem.  If it isn't urgent, I would just wait for the next kernel release.

  Doug Ledford   <dledford at redhat.com>
   Opinions expressed are my own, but
      they should be everybody's.

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