Why Are You NOT Using FreeBSD ?

Ronald Klop ronald-freebsd8 at klop.yi.org
Tue Jun 5 19:56:39 UTC 2012

On Fri, 01 Jun 2012 20:57:52 +0200, Thomas David Rivers  
<rivers at dignus.com> wrote:

> We used to have FreeBSD exclusively on desktops...
> Now, we have migrated to other desktops (mac) with FreeBSD running
> the build and file server...
> Why?
> Because - the mac updates itself!  No pain, no installation,
> no keeping-up with mailing lists/announcements, just <click> and its  
> done.
> Mac OS has a nice X11 server, the Mac UI is good enough, you don't
> have to install/update anything, the "app store" is perfect
> for downloading/installing whatever a desktop user might need.
> It was just too alluring...
> So, FreeBSD runs our NFS file server, and we log into a larger
> FreeBSD machine to do builds, etc... but, the desktop has moved.
> One developer here uses Linux Debian for about the same reason,
> it's trivial to update (via the network) to new versions, etc...
> Our web site used to be FreeBSD-based, but it was just too
> cost-effective to get a virtual Linux box on the backbone and
> move everything to that.  Our requirements aren't too big, so
> that works beautifully.   There _are_ people doing virtual
> FreeBSD boxes in a similar fashion, but they were quote a lot
> more for the annual fee.. so, Linux it was...
> I suppose, in some sense, you could argue that MacOS is FreeBSD...
> 	- Dave Rivers -

Have you already tried pc-bsd?


FreeBSD with easy install and auto-update.


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