mtree error on pointy hat and no clue how to fix it

Bartosz Fabianowski freebsd at
Mon Nov 21 20:21:41 GMT 2005

Hi all

A couple of days ago, my first port got committed. And already, I am 
having a problem with it that I don't know how to fix. I am hoping that 
some more experienced porter reading this list can point me in the right 

Pointyhat is complaining that the port does not deinstall cleanly. And 
sure enough, build logs show some stale files remaining after deinstall 
- see the build logs for i386-6-latest and i386-7-latest here:

However, the files that are remaining are in *no way* being installed by 
my port. They seem to be XFree86 stuff (which is odd, 6.x and 7.x both 
default to and locales not included in FreeBSD's mtree.

Could it be that some dependency is not deinstalling cleanly? But in 
this case, shouldn't the error be showing up in all ports that have this 
dependency - as in, all ports using X11?

I really have no clue how I am supposed to fix this in my port. It 
definitely does not show up on my own 6-STABLE system.

Any help is appreciated.

- Bartosz

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