L2TP/IPSec server on FreeBSD

Phil Rosenthal pr at isprime.com
Fri Aug 20 11:55:09 PDT 2004


I've been trying to set up racoon on FreeBSD to serve as a VPN Server 
that I can connect into using the OS X L2TP/IPSec client, or the 
Windows L2TP/IPSec client, preferably from dynamic ip's, preferably 
from NAT.

The point would be to have secure internet access behind, say, open 
free hotel wifi, or open starbucks wifi.

I've found many examples of freebsd w/racoon to connect to freebsd 
w/racoon when both have public static IP's, and no NAT, but none for 
"road warriors" behind random ips, possibly NAT, and the examples i've 
seen talk about IPSec, but don't mention L2TP.

Has anyone actually set this up?

I know it's possible to do this on a Cisco 2600, or using a windows 
2000 server or mac os x server box.


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