Switchover to CAM ATA?

Richard Tector richardtector at thekeelecentre.com
Thu Apr 22 19:43:20 UTC 2010

On 22/04/2010 19:48, Maxim Sobolev wrote:
> Alexander Motin wrote:
>> So what is the public opinion: Is the lack of ataraid(4) fatal or we can
>> live without it?
> I believe it's fatal in long run. This would present significant 
> challenge for users who rely on this functionality from upgrading from 
> 8.x to 9.0 later on. Especially for ones using striped disks and RAID5.
> Therefore while it's no problem to have it in HEAD for now, but it 
> will have to be addressed before the release.

Could I also add that the removal of ataraid would affect those users 
who dual-boot with Windows and rely on the psuedo-raid provided by most 
Intel chipsets to be able to share the same pair of disks.



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