[Bug 276151] gpu-firmware-intel-kmod fails to update revision number

From: <bugzilla-noreply_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2024 13:33:58 UTC

--- Comment #8 from Joel Rodriguez <joel@tahoestores.com> ---
From my point of view it is a hack. The reason is that the normal flow of

make clean
make deinstall
make install

is now replace with

make clean
make flavor=
make flavor= deinstall 
make flavor= install

as in

        print "Making... ";
        # add this make hack to gpu-firmware-intel-kmod
        # for flavor in $(make -V FLAVORS); do
        #make FLAVOR=${flavor} install clean
        if ($entity eq "gpu-firmware-intel-kmod") {
            $cmd = "make FLAVOR=kabylake >> pkgupdate.err 2>&1";
        } else {
            $cmd = "make >> pkgupdate.err 2>&1";
        if (system($cmd)) {
            print "WARNING - make failed in $whereis\n";

The only other time I see having to add a parameter to 'make' is when there is
a security violation. I review those by hand.

But thanks for the info, it cleans up my scripts which key off of the results
of pkg.

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