maintainer-feedback requested: [Bug 259150] ports-mgmt/pkg: pkg install does not check FreeBSD_version annotation

From: <>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 18:35:18 UTC
Bugzilla Automation <> has asked freebsd-pkg (Nobody)
<> for maintainer-feedback:
Bug 259150: ports-mgmt/pkg: pkg install does not check FreeBSD_version

--- Description ---

   Calling `pkg install $LOCAL_FILE`, where LOCAL_FILE is either a local path
   a valid package file or a file scheme URI, never checks the
   metadata to see if the package file is from a future version of FreeBSD.
   check is always performed when installing a local file with the `pkg add`
   command, unless the `IGNORE_OSVER` option is set.

Steps to Reproduce:

   1) Download the attached MANIFEST file.
   2) Create a test package by running:
      pkg create -M $PATH_TO_MANIFEST_FILE

      pkg-create will write a file in the current directory named
   3) Attempt to install using pkg-add:
      `pkg add fromthefuture-0.pkg`

      This will fail with the error:
      "pkg: Newer FreeBSD version for package fromthefuture"
   4) Attempt to install using pkg-install:
      `pkg install /absolute/path/to/fromthefuture-0.pkg`

      This will succeed, despite the FreeBSD version mismatch.
   5) Don't forget to remove this bogus package:
      `pkg remove -y fromthefuture`

Actual Results:

   `pkg install` succeeded where `pkg add` refused.

Expected Results:

   Both entrypoints to installing a package should perform the same checks
   on local package files.

Build Date & Hardware:

   pkg 1.17.2 on FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE

Additional Information:

   This behavior occurs due to the condition on line 1110 of pkg_add.c,
   in pkg_add_common():

   `pkg install` reaches `pkg_add_common()` via the wrapper function
   `pkg_add_from_remote()`, while `pkg add` reaches it via the wrapper
   function `pkg_add()`. The latter NULLs the `remote` argument, while
   the former passes a `struct pkg` pointer.

   In either case, the effect is to install a package from a local file.
   I'm mulling over the right way to possibly fix this, because the job
   executor is involved in `pkg install`. Therefore, it's a question where
   the "local file" detection code should live. Food for thought.